Wholesale Oval Diamond 2 Carat F VS2 – Jacksonville, Texas


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Code: Wholesale Diamonds Jacksonville
Diamonds Group:
  • VS2
  • F
  • Oval
Diamonds Group:
  • F
  • VS2 ( Very Slight Included )


Wholesale Loose Diamonds Jacksonville, TX

Oval Diamond - Shira Diamonds (6) Loose Diamonds with wholesale diamond prices at Shira Diamonds. This oval diamond is a 2 carat F VS2 and selling for $11500.00. If you would like to view our loose oval diamonds please call or text 214-466-1776. We have 100s of loose diamonds in stock.

Diamond- the brilliant sparkling stone with an inner fire sure has a dazzling effect. They are expensive too. However, every girl secretly yearns to have a diamond on her ring finger sooner or later. The celebrities have no problem in getting what they covet but the price of a diamond is well within your reach now, provided you take pains to look around and bag the best bargain available.While you might have heard about the four Cs used to examine a diamond, it is the cut that holds your attention. The shape of a diamond depends on its cut and you cannot go wrong once you opt for the lovely oval diamonds that has been in vogue since the 1960s after Lazare Kaplan created it. Not only do they outshine everything else by its sheer brilliance, the slightly longer form can go a long way in accentuating your slender fingers as well. That is reason enough to choose it for an engagement ring! Your wedding set will look virtually incomplete without at least one ring showcasing a gorgeous oval cut diamond.

Oval Diamond Rings in Dallas Texas - Shira Diamonds (1)

It is important to brush up your knowledge about the oval diamonds in Dallas though before proceeding to buy one. Strangely, an oval cut engagement ring appears to be somewhat longer at the surface than a traditional round diamond of equal carats. It is no mystery though as an oval diamond occupies more surface area, a trait that also results in more brilliance. The effect is dazzling to say the least. That is precisely the reason why most traditional marriages took place after the engagement was declared with the aid of an oval cut ring.The most pleasurable fact is here is the greater value that you get for money. The shape makes your diamond look bigger as it outshines its counterparts of other cuts but the price remains the same as the other diamonds of equal weight. Now that is surely an advantage that you will find hard to surpass. You need to learn about the importance of length to width ratio here. This aspect is one of the most vital considerations of purchasing oval diamonds in Jacksonville, Texas or elsewhere in the world. The shape of the diamond varies with the ratio too although that happens to be your personal preference. A greater ratio implies that you will get a longer diamond while a smaller ratio is all about an oval diamond that looks more roundish. Most individuals select their oval cut diamonds that have a length to width ratio between 1.3 to 1.7. You are welcome to do your own thing, however.

Oval Diamond Rings in Dallas Texas - Oval Diamonds Dallas - Shira Diamonds (1)

Wholesale Oval Diamonds

Nothing sparkles like a diamond. The effect is truly mesmerizing and most women would love to have at least one in her possession. Forget the commonplace cuts for the time being though and turn your eyes to the fancy cuts that enhance your fingers and go beyond simply adorning your body. You would do well to remember that there have been battles fought over this brilliant stone in the bygone era and most famous diamonds still remain tinged with blood. Yet another interesting feature that makes the oval cut even more commendable is its illusion of size. The diamond looks much bigger than its round shaped counterpart having the same carat weight. Wearing an oval cut diamond ring will also make your fingers look longer, a trait that is highly desirable in today’s world.The length to width ratio happens to be one of the most important aspects of an oval diamond though. You will have to look for a stone between the ratios of 1.35 to 1.5 if you are intent on obtaining a classic oval cut diamond. A number of celebrities prefer the more slender oval shape that looks even more appealing when set as a ring with two smaller stones guarding it on each side. Most purchasers of oval diamonds, however, prefer a bit of warm color instead of total colorlessness of the stone, the price of such a diamond is thus reduced to some extent.

Loose Oval Diamonds Jacksonville, TX

Oval Diamond - Shira Diamonds (7)

A word of caution here! Do avoid oval stones with deep bow ties. A minimal effect where the bow-tie is just visible will not undervalue the diamond too much. Remember that a faintly colored oval diamond may also contain a few inclusions. You are liable to get such a diamond for a lesser price than a classic cut. It might also be prudent to request the advice of a diamond expert before you end up paying top price for an oval diamond. This particular cut is not as popular as a round cut or Princess cut but that might result in some delay before it becomes available. However, the price of the oval cut diamond will definitely not be more than its value on account of non availability. It is no wonder that the uber rich brigade throughout the world love their oval diamond rings. The rounded corners do not have any sharp edges that may cause injury inadvertently, nor does it get caught in the hair or expensive clothing making it perfect for every day wear.

We sell a variety of certified and non-certified loose diamonds. Each diamond in our inventory is conflict free and personally hand-picked and examined by our diamond expert. Complete information is available on every single diamond we sell.

With our wholesale diamonds in store we have access to a very large inventory around the world. We have a wide selection of stones, so our customers can actually see, understand and compare before they chose the right diamond for them, all very competitively priced.

If you do not find the diamond you are looking for, please contact us. Our inventory is constantly changing and updating. It is likely that we can provide you with the diamond you need 214-466-1776.